Often local councils, due to obligatory fiduciary issues, are bound to use their in-house legal team to conduct modest appeals. These appeals may be due to planning decisions made by local councillors. However, councillors have sometimes refused officer recommendations for very tenuous planning reasons due to local resident lobbying and their decisions often lead to significant costs awarded against the council. This has led to frustration by developers looking to achieve residential developments, often with local infrastructure included.

The government is seeking to increase housing accommodation numbers significantly. 2019 estimates put the figures at 170,000 additional private sector houses and 75,000 social sector houses each year—in total, an extra 240,000-250,000 houses each year, excluding any reductions in the existing housing stock.

There is an ever growing need for experienced legal representation. For example councils’ costs for successful appeals against them amounted to over £12 million last year.

Audley Chaucer have broad experience in Planning Law and achieving best results for its clients by working with experienced planning consultants including the preparation of Pre-application Paperwork, Highway Advice & Agreements, Rights of Way, Judicial Review, Statutory Review, Advice & Regulation of Planning Obligations, Planning Appraisals, Planning Advice & Strategy, Environmental Assessment, Drafting of Section 106 Agreements and Neighbourhood Plans.

If you have any queries regarding any aspect of Planning Law then please contact us at Audley Chaucer Solicitors.

Written by Ian Lake

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