Audley Chaucer raise over £24,000 in Will Aid 2022

At Audley Chaucer, we understand that planning for the future is an important part of life. Gaining the peace of mind that comes from knowing your loved ones will be properly provided for can be priceless.

As such, we are very proud to state that we have been participating in Will Aid for the past 3 years. Will Aid is an amazing scheme that enables hundreds of clients to receive a professionally drawn-up will. At the same time, it funds the nine partner charities to ensure that they are able to continue delivering their vital life-changing work both in the UK and overseas.

Kieran Pezzack and Gaina Kapoor of Audley Chaucer have raised over £24,000 in the 2022 campaign. We were subsequently recognised as the third highest donating firm in the United Kingdom for that year.  This, also, brings Audley Chaucer’s total sum raised for Will Aid to £48,000.

Thank you to Will Aid for providing us with this opportunity and we look forward to working with Will Aid on their 2023 campaign.

For further information on this topic or on any other legal area, please contact John Szepietowski or Kay Stewart at Audley Chaucer Solicitors on 01372 303444 or email or visit our Linkedin page at

Kieran Pezzack

This information was correct as at May 2023

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